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Visualize plumonary arterial flow and respiratory function
with less patient's burden

Non-contrast arterial flow test

FFT filter

There are many situations in which pulmonary blood flow needs to be assessed, such as to differentiate pulmonary embolism and to determine the effect of treatment. However, angiography cannot be performed frequently because of the high radiation dose and the possibility of side effects, and many doctors feel inconvenienced in their daily practice.
Radwisp analyzes the chest X-ray fluoroscopic video output from the X-ray TV system and visualizes the components in the lung field that fluctuate in the same cycle as the heartbeat. It is possible to obtain pulmonary blood flow information in a few simple steps and with low radiation exposure and no contrast agent. When used in combination with existing angiography methods, it is possible to obtain clinically necessary information while reducing patient burden.

A new assessment test for respiration


Radwisp can visualize not only the components that fluctuate in the same cycle as the heartbeat. By adjusting the frequency of extraction, it is also possible to visualize components that fluctuate in the same cycle as respiration.
Respiratory function tests using spirometry can evaluate temporal function, but cannot evaluate spatial function, such as which areas are weakened. Radwisp is a new evaluation tool that can perform both temporal and spatial evaluation simultaneously, and is expected to provide clinically useful information that has never been available before.

Images of various cases are explained on the official Radwisp youtube channel

Radwisp youtube channel

Research Publications

Successful visualization of pulmonary embolism using fluoroscopic video analysis in a patient with iodine contrast allergy: A case report. Hijikata S, Sakurai K, Takahashi Y, Azegami K. European Heart Journal - Case Reports. 2022;6(10).
Dynamic pulmonary circulation without contrast media for an acute pulmonary thromboembolism. Fukamachi D, Okumura Y, Tanaka M. European Heart Journal - Cardiovascular Imaging. 2021;23(5).

For clinical use

Radwisp is a standalone software that was certified as a medical device in Japan in 2018. Since it uses the DICOM information output from the existing X-ray TV system, it is relatively easy to install with the following steps;

  1. 1Confirmation of compatibility with existing X-ray TV systems
  2. 2Add imaging settings for Radwisp to X-ray TV system
  3. 3Connect a workstation with Radwisp installed to the hospital PACS

It is now being put to practical use as a diagnostic aid for a wide range of pulmonary diseases, such as pulmonary thromboembolism and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), and as a respiratory function test to supplement spirometry, which requires caution due to COVID19.

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Contact Us

Radwisp is a software for analyzing chest X-ray fluoroscopy movies and visualizing pulmonary blood flow and respiratory function. It allows imaging of pulmonary blood flow and respiratory function with low radiation exposure, no contrast agent and simple operation in a few steps. Please feel free to contact us if you would like to hear a detailed explanation, would like a demonstration, or are interested in clinical research.

Radwisp is a Singapore-based venture that develops medical software, founded in 2016 by a radiologist and a software engineer. The team also works with cardiologists and respiratory physicians to ensure that medical feedback is quickly incorporated into the product.